Case report: Youngest patient ever treated with denovoSkin – a neonatal case
The paper published in Burns Open has presented the case of a four day-old neonate suffering from life threatening burns, involving 40% total body surface area burn. The patient received 260 cm2 of denovoSkin, covering 20% TBSA, as part of a clinical trial sub-study in Italy. The management of such cases represents an unprecedented challenge. The published paper is based on a one-year follow-up of the patient, and these results deliver further proof of concept that denovoSkin can be successfully applied in pediatric severe burns. Specifically, the case report has noted that: Clinically, denovoSkin grafted areas show a matured skin after 3–6 months with minimal or no detectable scarring, whereas conventional grafting was not yet matured and mostly associated with moderate to massive hypertrophic scarring. denovoSkin yields close to normal skin in terms of softness, elasticity, pliability, growth, and mechanical robustness. The full case report can be read online, see link below. Newsroom Link to Case Report
Case report: Youngest patient ever treated with denovoSkin – a neonatal case Read More »